Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shenanigans (Katarina x Lux)


Mid lane was her territory. She thrived in it, loved how easy it was to reach top or bottom and carve up fresh flesh with her knives. So long as she was careful, nothing could stop her.

Nothing, except for a surprise bind. As rings of bright light shimmering rainbow descended upon her torso and bound her arms to her side, she inwardly cursed her carelessness. Of course five seconds after her ward went down, someone would hide in the brush. If only she’d backed off a little and returned to base. Such a rookie mistake. A mistake she would not have made had she been under her own control. She sent a wave of displeasure at her summoner through their mind link before she realized something strange. Something off.

Her summoner wasn’t there. Add to the fact that the bind had not worn off yet, and she was starting to sweat a little.

“Katarina, caught you~” she heard, and she looked up to see the one and only person who had such annoying binds. Luxanna Crownguard. Her lips curled in disgust.

“Lux,” she spat out. “What do you want? What’s going on?” Though she was putting on a tough face, she understood that her position was completely at the mercy of the shining blonde girl, and thus she had held back on the scathing insults she normally would have hurled.

Lux smiled, and leaned down. “You don’t need to worry, Miss Katarina. I’ll treat you gently, even as a prisoner.”

A what. A prisoner? A kidnapping? Right in the midst of a League match? Such a move she would expect from Noxus, but from the prim and proper Demacia? Her surprise must have shown, for Lux cupped her chin with a delicate hand and tilted her head up. Katarina did not resist.

“Aw, what’s with the wide eyes? You’ll be fine,” Lux cooed.

Shit. A furious heat spread across her cheeks, and she knew she blushing. She couldn’t help it though. Lux’s beautiful features were hovering extremely close, and she could do nothing but focus on the clear blue eyes and fair skin the Lady of Luminosity possessed. But why? Had she been deprived of intimacy for so long that she was attracted to... to this child of all people?

Katarina swallowed and desperately tried to look elsewhere. A flash in a nearby brush caught her attention and, confused, she squinted in hopes of discerning the shapes she saw shaking in the tall grass. Was that... No. Oh, come on. Really? Cassiopeia and Fiora were just sitting there, watching them, not fighting or helping their respective teammates? And were they... Damn it. Yes. They were. They were giggling. Laughing amongst themselves.

A prick of fury shot through her forehead, and she turned her attention back to Lux and sneered. “Alright, joke’s over. Let me go, and we can forget this ever happened,” she growled, beginning to struggle against her bonds.

“Who said this was a joke?” Lux grinned.

“What. I’m not blind. I see my sister and your fencer laughing their asses off in the grass. How much did they pay you to do this?” Katarina huffed. “To go to the trouble of interrupting a match, even.”

“Like I told you, this isn’t a joke.”

The next thing Katarina knew, she was being hoisted over Lux’s shoulder (she never realized how strong the girl was) like a sack of potatoes and getting nothing but the curve of Lux’s back and a very flattering close up of Lux’s behind. Well, she thought, at least the journey wouldn’t be boring if this was the view.

She sighed.

“Five dollars says they’ll be holding hands everywhere by next week,” Fiora laughed.

“Ten dollars says she won’t even be able to move by next week,” Cass cackled.

They shook hands.

“Fine, deal.”

“A pleasure doing business with you.”

You Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling (Ahri x LeBlanc)


This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Completely, undoubtedly, unquestionably silly and unreasonable. Yet, here she was, dressed up in santa red, white fur fringes tickling her skin, cloak whipping in the winter wind and body sprinkled with flakes of snow.

Oh, but LeBlanc would never concede to defeat. This was the end of her loss and the start of her victory. So what if her team had been composed of utter imbeciles? She had won her lane against that damn fox, but because the bet had been made on the terms of winning the match...

She supposed it was her own fault for even agreeing to it in the first place. In her defense, the fox had made herself a permanent nuisance in every way possible until she had agreed. And had then rigged the teams in her favor. LeBlanc knew deception when she saw it.

"Oh, LeBlanc, you're here!"

Immediately, she was thrown backwards as what appeared to be cleavage collided with her face. However, having been prepared for the familiar shenanigan, she dispelled the clone and watched as Ahri ate a faceful of snow.

Never one to be put down by LeBlanc's refusal to cooperate, Ahri jumped right back up, face framed by enough snow to give her white eyebrows and a small white beard. Her nine tails wagged behind her back, and LeBlanc couldn't have pictured a stranger version of Santa Claus than the one standing in front of her. The antlers didn’t help.

"Wow, you actually wore it! I didn't think you would." Ahri gave her a toothy grin, whipping her head around like a wet dog to get rid of the snow. Her own cheerfully festive outfit was hopelessly coated by white, despite her efforts.

"You won," LeBlanc started, making her way over to the fox and swaying her hips with extra emphasis along the way, and watched as Ahri followed her every move with hungry eyes.

Reaching a delicate hand out, she traced a single finger down the curve of the fox's collarbone and up her throat and then her chin, drinking in the shivers and shakes she elicited. Without missing a beat, she drew in very, very close, and watched as Ahri closed her eyes in anticipation. She closed her own in response. With only mere millimeters remaining between their lips, she blew one hot breath across the fox's lips before abruptly pulling away.

The next thing Ahri knew, LeBlanc's red santa cloak was lying at her feet, and LeBlanc herself was several yards away and looking over her shoulder in the most seductive pose she had ever laid her eyes on, one hand on her hip, one leg slightly lifted to draw attention to her thigh and in turn her behind popped up in the most wondrous way... She had laid her eyes on quite a few sexy poses in her lifetime, though never quite like this.

"But see if you ever get any of this for the next few months," LeBlanc finished, and then she was gone.

Ahri blinked.

And blinked again.

Somewhere nearby, Ashe and Katarina were enjoying a walk amongst the pine trees when, all of a sudden, they heard a very, very distressed and frustrated scream that sent the birds flying for the sky.

“...What?” the redhead asked, one eyebrow raised as she watched the birds go. As she curiously stopped, Ashe tugged on her hand and pulled her forward impatiently.

“Just ignore it,” the queen answered. “Trust me, you’re better off forgetting you ever heard that. Let’s go.”

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Is it too late to apologize?

Well, first off, the first 4 weeks or so of my disappearance were because I was preoccupied with last minute things to do before graduation and then I was in China for 2 weeks.

Then the following weeks up until now were the result of me getting a gaming computer and thus proceeding to lose all interests in every hobby I have ever had, including writing.

Thus apologies for my lack of updates and disappearance without any warning.

That being said, I will try my best to get back into the swing of things and writing oneshots every week. However, I have not found any images that have really inspired me in a while, so any suggestions would be great.

Over and out,

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Homecoming (Nao x Reika)


“She’s coming soon, Reika, relax!” Akane beamed, bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet. She clapped the blue-haired girl on the back and sent her stumbling forward, much to her ire and nerves.

“I know, but I can’t help it,” Reika mumbled under her breath, regaining her footing. Brushing invisible specks of dust off of her uniform, she stood up a little straighter and held her head high. Her eyes darted around. “She’ll be here soon. Yes.”

“Akane’s right. Her flight just got in and she’ll be out here in no time,” Miyuki nodded. Akane caught her eye, and the two girls smiled brightly at one another. From the side, Yayoi edged into their circle and placed a placating hand on Reika’s shoulder, shyly giving a smile of her own.

“One month goes by quickly, but not quick enough,” Yayoi spoke, “right?”

“Yes,” Reika admitted. Her eyes did a sweep of the exit terminal again. Unbeknownst to her, her three friends were all giving each other mischievous, knowing glances.

“One month for a soccer training camp, and you’re already this clingy,” Akane gasped. “What are you going to do when Nao gets a boyfriend?” The hook did the trick, and Reika sank right for the bait.

“A boyfriend?” she hissed indignantly. “There’s a boy? She was seeing a boy?”

“No, no, you misunderstand. What are you going to do when she does get a boyfriend? Meaning in the future, not now,” Akane hastily corrected herself.

“Oh, well.” Reika flushed and refused to meet her friends’ eyes. “Ahem. I won’t do anything. Her romantic affairs are her own business.”

“Sure, sure,” Akane continued. “I’ll let her know that she has your approval then.”

What?” Reika shrieked. “So there is a boy?”

“Akane, I really think you should stop now,” Miyuki whispered, nudging her friend’s side forcefully with her elbow. Yayoi nodded along with the advice.

“Hold on,” Akane whispered back, not moving her mouth. Turning back to the near panicked Reika, she held her hands up in surrender and grinned, her eyes darting over Reika’s shoulder and seeing familiar green hair. “If I told you there was a boy, what would you do?”

“I would-”

“What’s this about a boy?” a newcomer spoke up.

Eyes going impossibly wide, Reika whipped her head around and gasped at the sight that greeted her. Smiling brightly, eyes twinkling with amusement, her stature a little taller than the last time she saw her, was Nao, real, solid, and actually there, standing right in front of her.

She could have cried.

“Nao,” she mouthed, voice lost in the dizzying excitement upon seeing Nao. Nao in the flesh. Nao.

“Reika,” Nao greeted. “Hi.”

“Are you serious, a ‘hi’ is all she gets?” Akane muttered, ignored and forgotten along with everyone else. She watched as Nao bent down and scooped Reika into a bone-crushing hug, their faces mere inches apart, their expression intense. Then the raging passion faded just as quickly, and their eyes closed, the tension leaving them with a calm certainty. “Oh, that’s more like it,” Akane grinned and watched as their lips headed for a collision course.

“You think they realize other people are watching?”

“Nope. Noooope.”

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Due to AP exams, there will be no oneshot for this week or the next.

However, I'll be back to my regular schedule after that.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bleed Out (Nao x Reika)



The scream tore through the air, piercing and heart-wrenching. Or rather, more accurately, as blood tore through flesh and inspired desperation. The thought caused a morbid, amused chuckle to escape through her dry lips, and she leaned against the wall of the school building and slid down to the ground, legs finally giving out.

“Nao! No!”

No, she wanted to say in return. I should be saying no. Don’t scream for me. It’s not that bad. But her lungs were tired, her mind was fading, and words could not escape from her throat.

“No. No. No. No–”

A trembling form disturbed the dirt between her legs, and the sound reached her ears and her eyes weakly fluttered open. She took in wide blue eyes, panicked, pained, wild with fear, and only managed to summon energy from some deep unknown abyss inside herself once she saw the tears.

Her jaw fell open, and she croaked, “It’s okay.” Dragging her arm up from her side, she laid a bloody hand on Reika’s cheek and gently brushed a few blue locks back behind delicate ears. “It’s okay. Shh.”

“It’s not,” Reika sobbed. She clutched Nao’s green vest, so familiar and so alien, alien because she had never seen it stained with red. Raw emotion pulsing through her veins, pupils shrunk so deeply in fear, she cried, “How can anything be okay when you’re hurt like this?”

“Everything is okay as long as you’re safe, Reika,” Nao smiled, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. She wanted to put on a brave face, but god, her wounds hurt like hell and the blood was beginning to cake in her hair and down her forehead. Playing the martyr was supposed to be the epitome of being a hero, but it really, really sucked when it came right down to it.

“But how can I be okay when you’re not?” Reika whimpered. Warm wetness seeped through the green vest and dirtied her hands and sleeves, and the weight of finality set in her stomach. Too much blood had been lost. No one was around. There was no time. “How will I ever be able to be okay?” she whispered, and she stared deeply into Nao’s rapidly fading gaze.

“As long as you’re alive,” Nao wheezed out, her eyes open but nearly seeing nothing now, “you can learn to be okay. As long as you’re alive, fight. The others... should...”

“I understand.” Her forehead brushed against green bangs, and her eyes narrowed. “I understand, but I don’t think I can ever be okay without you.”

Her thumb caressed the skin under Reika’s eyes, and she spent the next few moments committing Reika’s beautiful visage, stricken as it was, to her mind. When she went out, she wanted to go out with love instead of pain. And so she asked, “Can you promise me one thing, then?”

Nodding, Reika fought to keep her lips from shaking.

“At least try for your chance at happiness,” Nao gasped out. “Just try.”

Their gazes locked, but Nao could not see anymore. Heart breaking, she let her tears fall, comforted that Nao couldn’t see her lose to her pain. With no strength left, she said, “I promise.”

Her hand fell to the ground with a quiet, final thud and stilled.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Instead of my scheduled oneshot today as part of the ACP project, I wrote just a general oneshot for Ymir and Krista from Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan).

You can read it here.

Thank you!